GP Earnings
Declaration of mean earnings 2016
The average pay for GPs working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last financial year was £53,795.00 before tax and National Insurance.
Declaration of mean earnings 2017
The average pay for GPs working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last financial year was £51,023.00 before tax and National Insurance.
Declaration of mean earnings 2018
The average pay for GP's working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last financial year was £51,667.00 before tax and National Insurance
Declaration of mean earnings 2019
The average pay for GP's working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last financial year was £50,614.00 before tax and National Insurance
Declaration of mean earnings 2020
The average pay for GP's working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last financial year was £53,569.00 before tax and National Insurance
Declaration of mean earnings 2021
The average pay for GP's working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last financial year was £59,460.00 before tax and National Insurance
Declaration of mean earnings 2022
The average pay for GP's working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last fiancial year was £70, 054.00 before tax and National Insurance
Declaration of mean earnings 2023
The average pay for GP's working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last financial year was £73,726.00 before tax and National Insurance
Declaration of mean earnings 2024
The average pay for GP's working in Bentley Medical Practice in the last financial year was £78,905.00 before tax and National Insurance